
MIRA’s agenda for an inclusive response to COVID-19


Title (Dublin Core)

MIRA’s agenda for an inclusive response to COVID-19

Description (Dublin Core)

The Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition collected a series of helpful documents for immigrants and refugees in Massachusetts about the COVID-19 pandemic. At the start, they created an agenda on how the federal and local governemnts should react to the pandemic in relation to immigrant communities. Part of the agenda calls on Trump to release detainees that cannot be kept safe, but as the news as shown, ICE continues to detain immigrants and some have died in detention centers of the virus.
Greater Boston, Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition, ICE, Immigrants, Social Justice, refugees

Date (Dublin Core)

March 2020

Creator (Dublin Core)

Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition

Contributor (Dublin Core)

Anjelica Oswald

Type (Dublin Core)


Publisher (Dublin Core)

Massachusetts Immigrant and Refugee Advocacy Coalition

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

English Immigration
English Government Federal
English Government Local
English Health & Wellness

Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

social justice

Collection (Dublin Core)

Social Justice

Date Submitted (Dublin Core)


Date Modified (Dublin Core)


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