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Collected Item: “Alberta farmers donate potato seeds to Northwest Territories in effort to promote food security”

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Alberta farmers donate potato seeds to Northwest Territories in effort to promote food security

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news article

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Article discussing the donation of 50,000 pounds of potato seeds from Sunnycrest Farms near Red Deer., Alta., to the Northern Farm Training Institute to attempt to increase food security among northern residents, a long term issue exacerbated by the food shortages and supply chain problems brought on by the pandemic
"Ms. Milne said the pandemic has underscored the need for everyone to take food shortages seriously.

"'We need to make sure that the place where we live has the ability to meet our core needs so that we’re not completely dependent on imports,' she said. 'Imports should be a supplement, not a dependency.'

"Ms. Milne adds that potatoes in particular are great for first-time gardeners and are easy to protect, as well as being one of the highest food-producing vegetables a square foot."

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food security, gardening, donation, north

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Vanessa Quon, The Globe and Mail

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