
Orange County doesn't like Masks

Title (Dublin Core)

Orange County doesn't like Masks

Description (Dublin Core)

Throughout the country, people have been looking for ways big and small to help fight the coronavirus. One of the simplest ways of helping has been wearing a mask. In Orange County, the populace has reacted aggressively against any mandate to wear a mask. Although various gyms, restaurants, and bars are reopening and suggesting that people wear masks and social distance, most of the time people are willfully ignoring the orders.

This item was added TAGS v6.1.9.1. I originally searched under the hashtag #orangecounty. Within that search, I have chosen to add the following tweet because it shows the response of many individuals in Orange County when forced to wear a mask. Doing so makes one a bit of a pariah.
Twitter user @taylerpai created the tweet, Joey Dorion took a screenshot
#HST, #485, #ASU, #orange, #county, #california, #masks
Screenshot of a Tweet

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This item was submitted on June 22, 2020 by Joey Dorion using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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