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During this whole pandemic, one of the worst things I had to go through was losing my opportunity to see all of my friends before going to college. In my photo, you can see me in the middle, surrounded by some of my best friends I was able to make while in middle school and high school. It was June 12th and the second to last day of what we called our “Senior Trip”. We had planned to drive to Canada or take a cheap flight somewhere ever since we were freshman at our high school. All of this was scrapped due to the pandemic of course so we had to adjust. We hadn't seen each other for months so it took quite a bit of effort to create a safe yet fun trip which was achieved by making a camping trip. Though this was a very fun 4 day experience to have with some very good friends, I always wonder what else we could have done? When will I see them again like this after college? With all of these unanswered questions, it's hard to not feel like I missed out on being with my friends before I head off to college for the first time.

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This item was submitted on August 21, 2020 by Sean Flint using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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