
Graduation...with a twist

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Graduation...with a twist

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This picture was taken seconds before I walked across the makeshift stage at graduation. With the sun glaring down and my name about to be called, it almost felt like a normal ceremony. Normal, save the distance between myself and everyone and the sinking feeling that I still couldn’t quite ignore. My last year of high school was anything but what I had imagined it would be. In certain ways, it felt as if I had missed out on what many take for granted. Instead of the final celebrations and traditions of a senior year, COVID-19 gave me an entirely new mindset. I saw the humility of the world, and also the faults we often ignore. I walked across that stage and into an uncertain future, one that I can only look towards optimistically.
Personal photograph from my high school graduation; taken by Rob Chase

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This item was submitted on August 23, 2020 by Shealagh Sullivan using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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