
Amid COVID crisis, two Philly LGBTQ nonprofits merge to form new initiative for seniors

Title (Dublin Core)

Amid COVID crisis, two Philly LGBTQ nonprofits merge to form new initiative for seniors

Description (Dublin Core)

It seems that LGBTQ+ seniors are often overlooked within the community. In a pandemic that disproportionately impacts older Americans, this is especially problematic. In addition to the unique issues faced by LGBTQ+ people, being a LGBTQ+ senior makes that position especially precarious. It's relieving to see that there are organizations dedicated to protecting LGBGTQ+ seniors and I hope that this merger proves to be effective.

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The Philadelphia Inquirer

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This item was submitted on August 23, 2020 by Lawson Miller using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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