
The Mask Wars

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The Mask Wars

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This article discusses the mixed ideas surrounding the wearing of masks. Some people see it as a show of “scientific authority” and respect for the safety of others, but another portion of the public thinks it is a sign of weakness, submission, and cowardice. Masks in America are an extremely political point of conflict. And although the majority of people protesting against the killing of George Floyd wore masks to protect their community from transmission of the virus, the rest of the nation is still in turmoil over the issue. I have experienced my own difficulty with this as well; we have had to avoid unmasked neighbors several times, and when relatives come, we have to be the enforcers of distancing when they visit and remain outside. Mask wearing should not be politicized; it should just be something everyone wears with the safety and health of themselves and others in mind.
article written by Amanda Hess

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