
Virtual Talent Show

Title (Dublin Core)

Virtual Talent Show

Description (Dublin Core)

The whole summer I had this looming inexplicable fear that time was running out, and I guess that was really embodied by my job search. I feel like I applied at every fast food place on the westside of Albuquerque and the south side of Rio Rancho and I had gotten a call back from only a few. All in all I got 5 interviews from different places and none of them were for jobs I ended up getting. This was because there were so many downsized companies and competition for the jobs that they had. I was driven to madness by the midpoint of the summer and I felt like because the summer was halfway over that I was running out of time. By the end of the summer I didn’t start working until the weekend after the second week of school at Sonic.
The companies who created the job applications, and me who filled them out.

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This item was submitted on September 14, 2020 by Coler Miller using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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