
Overcrowded Hospitals

Title (Dublin Core)

Overcrowded Hospitals

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As a nurse at St. Josephs Hospital, my sister is at the heart of this pandemic. She is watching as her workplace is overrun with patients infected with the virus. Taking every precaution possible, she is doing everything she can to help her patients and the other nurses on her unit. Since the influx of positive cases is overwhelming the hospital, nurses from other units are transferred and trained on the COVID unit. Neonatal unit nurses, Neuro-ICU nurses, and anyone else that can help is fighting on the front lines of this pandemic. This is a screenshot from her Instagram, pleading with anyone who will see it, the consequences of not taking this virus seriously.

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This item was submitted on September 28, 2020 by Gilbert Lopez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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