
Trump has COVID lego movie


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Trump has COVID lego movie

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Last night around midnight, we learned that Trump tested postive for COVID. And I recognize it's not the most mature move, but this morning I woke up and started looking for Trump memes or memes about Trump. On Twitter I found the hashtag #TrumpHasCovid and found this video. It shows a lego representation of President Trump at a podium, and the audio plays several of his statements about COVID-19 and the pandemic. In the end, Trump gets run over by coronavirus (represented as a tomato) and it eats him, but spits out the tupet. Later, a street cleaner gets the tupet caught in his vechincle and it blows up.

*humor, President Donald Trump, COVID-19

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This item was submitted on October 2, 2020 by Katy Kole de Peralta using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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