
Masks may reduce viral dose, some experts say

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Masks may reduce viral dose, some experts say

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Many Researchers have known that masks can prevent people from spreading viruses to others. Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease physician made the argument that people wearing face coverings will take in fewer coronavirus particles. They have found the more virus in the nasal plume, the likelier the people were to get infected and experience symptoms. Some researchers have estimated that about 40 percent of coronavirus infections do not produce any symptoms. But when people wear masks, the proportion of asymptomatic cases seems to increase. Wearing a face covering doesn’t make people impervious to infection, but these trends could make a milder disease, reducing deaths.

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New York Times

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This item was submitted on October 8, 2020 by Jiwoo Lee using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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