
covid, religion & public life reflection assignment


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covid, religion & public life reflection assignment

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I wrote almost four times the required wordcount as a general reflection on this time period in my life & what it's been like balancing work problems and academics and bad mental health this year and these past couple months for this round of classes. I had some tension I needed to get off my chest, apparently, but I survived this first half of the fall. It is draining to be faced with at least a handful of people every day who radiate contempt for your safety or the dozens who behave carelessly, repeatedly, carelessly or the few who make obstacles of themselves to prove a point. It is draining to not be alone all year and yet pretend, by and large, that all is mostly well, all year
text reflection assignment for an introductory religious studies class taken over the past two months (religion, culture & public life)

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This item was submitted on October 8, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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