
Remdesivir does not decrease healing times, according to the WHO.

Title (Dublin Core)

Remdesivir does not decrease healing times, according to the WHO.
Le remdesivir ne raccourcit pas les délais de guérison, dit l'OMS

Description (Dublin Core)

It's interesting, because US President Donald Trump took this experimental drug.
C'est intéressant, parce que le président américain Donald Trump a pris ce médicament expérimental.
Translation of caption: A box of Remdesivir, an experimental treatment for Covid-19.
Translation of subtitle: The antiviral drug maker think the WHO's data is inconsistent.

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This item was submitted on October 15, 2020 by Britton McNerlin using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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