
Positive Test For Covid-19, and the Government

Title (Dublin Core)

Positive Test For Covid-19, and the Government

Description (Dublin Core)

This form of media shows the government action in regards to handling the spread of Covid-19 across the country, specifically in Las Vegas. I chose this news story because I personally tested positive for Covid-19, and I believe that the government plays a strong role in the enforcement of rules that help to avoid the spread of the sickness. Although many view that the government has gone above its power to help protect the citizens of the country, it also is the necessary force that has the money, authority, and influence to do such a task. This text is relatable to me because I had to be tested, endure the actual sickness, and I was constantly burdened by doctors as well as similar government entities to share the people who I was potentially exposing. Legally, my positive test had to be reported to the government, but I felt that it was kind of an invasion of my privacy to report to the government the people who I live with who I could’ve been exposing. After I was safe to be around others after facing Covid-19, I felt a social burden, like I was a danger to others even though I was completely safe. All in all, the media source is relatable to me because of my experiences with testing positive, as well as how the government has a specific role to protect the citizens, even if in this specific case, the government may be abusing its power. The date provided is when I began experiencing my initial symptoms.

Works Cited
The Associated Press. (2020, October 19). Millions more virus rapid tests, but are results
reported? Retrieved October 21, 2020, from

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This item was submitted on October 20, 2020 by Austin Davison using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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