
Hobbies I Picked Up Due to Covid-19

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Hobbies I Picked Up Due to Covid-19

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In the beginning of the global pandemic I remember having the gut feeling of knowing that this will not be over soon so i’m going to have to learn how to occupy myself. During the third week of the pandemic, my brother Luke and I had an idea to pick up mountain biking. We had gathered shovels to build jumps and lots of snacks and water cause we knew it was going to be tiring. Nonstop for 4 days we worked on the track and jump and I remember my hands feeling as if they were going to fall off from holding the shovel for so long. We came back on the fifth day to find that our jumps had been destroyed which was honestly very disappointing but at least we had fun doing it. The next hobby I picked up was fishing. Now this was my best idea yet. We started off with some crappy gear but we were having so much fun. I still can feel the amount of times I hooked my finger or got a gill stuck in my hand. The best part about this hobby was that once my friends and I were allowed to hangout we would always be fishing and it brought all of us much closer. I created new friendships because of these hobbies and I am very grateful because of it.

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This item was submitted on October 27, 2020 by Shane Hart using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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