
Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need to act now

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Scientific consensus on the COVID-19 pandemic: we need to act now

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The main point of the news article is to inform the audience on the news and history of this world. The article explained how SARS and COVID are actually very similar. I chose this article since it was extremely informative and learning is very interesting. This article reveals that life during the pandemic is just reliving the SARS in the modern day. The news article also reveals how severe these illnesses cause amongst people. This news article is important since many Trump supports and others downplay the severity of the virus even though it has killed many people. There is no bias in this article. Everything is state facts and reporting on the news and opinion. The media is responsible for dragging people who don’t listen to social distancing rules. Many ignorant celebrities like Bryce Hall and other Tik Tok stars are throwing parties during the pandemic. The role of the media is to rain hell on these degenerates to alert them since they are obviously not woke. The media also lets America know that they shouldn’t have voted for Trump since he took no action until months after knowing about COVID-19.

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This item was submitted on October 27, 2020 by William Chen using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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