
More than 50% of Montrealers Plan to Leave the City for the Suburbs or Countryside

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More than 50% of Montrealers Plan to Leave the City for the Suburbs or Countryside

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According to RAD, more than 50% of Montrealers plan to leave the city for the suburbs or countryside. Reasons listed were teleworking, price of housing, and quarantine. If many follow through with these plans, this would likely be a significant contribution to the continuing suburbanization of cities. Montreal is also one of the cheaper major cities in North America, it would be a major issue if Montrealers appear to be indicative of the rest of the North American city-dwelling population.
Translation of image: 56% of 18-36 year olds have the intention to leave Montreal for the suburbs or country.

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This item was submitted on October 30, 2020 by Britton McNerlin using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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