
Over 90,000 Cases Recorded in a Single Day

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Over 90,000 Cases Recorded in a Single Day

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The United States is experiencing yet another surge in Covid cases, this time just days before the presidential election. "The new benchmark of 90,456 cases was hit Thursday just hours after the U.S. logged its 9 millionth coronavirus case and shattered the previous daily record of 80,662 infections, set a day earlier. Also, the 540,035 new Covid-19 cases reported from last Friday, Oct. 23, to Thursday was the most for any seven-day period since July." The Trump administration has said that the U.S. is rounding the corner on the pandemic and even cited "ending" the pandemic as one of Donald Trump's accomplishments in office, yet the growing number of cases and deaths would say otherwise.

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NBC News

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This item was submitted on October 30, 2020 by Patrick Pagnozzi using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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