
Illinois College Football Team Fights Against Racism

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Illinois College Football Team Fights Against Racism

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The Tweet declares that the University of Illinois, The Fighting Illini, are in support of social justice. The college football team is supporting the Black Lives Matter movement by wearing black decaled insignias on their helmets with the Black Lives Matter fist symbol on the back of the helmet. The fist is a powerful gesture associated with the social justice protest. The video also states that football is just a game and social justice is a real world priority. A college football team and university realizing the fight against racism and social inequalities is more important than their institution is a significant event in the fight for social justice. Of course not all fans or comments think it is appropriate for the team to wear these symbols but all movements will have discourse in their pursuit to fight for social justice. This statement to display these images are closely related to how far the protests have come in the fight for social justice.

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This item was submitted on October 30, 2020 by Travis Gunnells using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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