
Free COVID-19 Testing

Title (Dublin Core)

Free COVID-19 Testing

Description (Dublin Core)

This email was sent to me to set up an appointment to get a free COVID-19 test done at my school. This goes to show how the University is taking top priority in not only helping the St.Mary's community. This is helpful because not many students can afford to go get tested and now that we are going on break the University wants to take extra precaution. These screen shots are really important to keep as a reminder that the University did everything they can to provide help for students that want to go back home and visit during break but also making sure they do it in a safe way. This goes to show how it is to live during a pandemic were it's a big deal that we are provided with free testing.
Screen shots from my emails

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This item was submitted on November 13, 2020 by Alexis Lopez using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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