
Salem Stands with Black Lives


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Salem Stands with Black Lives

Description (Dublin Core)

On June 6, 2020, “Salem Stands with Black Lives,” a Black Lives Matter peaceful protest, was held in Salem, Massachusetts. Hundreds of masked individuals gathered in Salem Commons, wearing all black, with signs in support of George Floyd and all those who came before him. Attendants were required to wear a mask, keep physical distance from others, stay home if sick, and self-isolate or quarantine after the event. There were multiple speakers, a moment of silence for the deceased, and music. I attended the protest with my mother and sister. We saw people of all ages and ethnicities coming together in support yet staying physically apart. As we moved through the crowd in the Commons, we passed two young African American children playing in the grass. While walking close to them to avoid other people, we heard their mother say, “pull up your mask girls, these people are here for you, you want to make them feel safe too.” The video attached is from the event. You can see people masked, physically distanced, showing up during a public health emergency to support a cause they believe in. Not even a pandemic can stop democracy.

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