
The "New Normal"

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The "New Normal"

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The submission of this photo is to show the “new normal” while driving around. Thinking back to the year 2019, if I saw someone with a mask hanging on their rearview mirror I would have been slightly confused and intrigued as to why. However, in 2020, many have begun to hang masks on their rearview mirrors as it is a convenient spot. COVID-19 has had some of the biggest impacts on society, with masks being close to the top. Ever since the mask mandates went into effect, a mask being hung on a rearview mirror became a regular occurrence while traveling. Currently, there is a statewide mandate in Massachusetts enforcing the wearing of masks in all public spaces. Although it is still odd or awkward to some, mask wearing is the current way of life and there is no way around it. Even though there is opposition to wearing masks and they hinder the feel of real conversation, the safety provided by the mask outweighs it. My hopes are that the mask can help in the present so we can return to the “old norm” in the future.

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This item was submitted on December 6, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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