
How COVID has changed my home life

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How COVID has changed my home life

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The initial stages of COVID were almost surreal. I was in Key West, Florida when I first got the email from my college that we were going to be all online from mid-March to the end of the Spring 2020 semester. This carried into the Fall semester and that changed how my girlfriend and I were going to live. We decided that if we are going to be at home all the time we need a place big enough for us to separate our bedroom and our school stuff. So we moved from Fenway’s backyard to Somerville and from a studio apartment to a one bedroom. Instantly everything felt better. There was space for all of our stuff, we were able to spread out, and most importantly, we were able to get a dog. We previously had two cats but having an animal that needs to go outside and see the light of day more than once a week has made everything easier. It forces my girlfriend and I to take breaks from the mountains of school work we have and it gets us out of the house for more than just spending money or making money. Finally we got our second dog and she has made life even better because now our dogs get to play together and we get to go out more often to places like dog parks without having to worry about other people and their dogs being there. In the picture you can see Oakley (grey and first child), Tucker (orange and second child), Millie (blue Pitbull mix and third child), and Zoe (white and brown Pitbull mix and fourth child). These little creatures have made everything worth it. Without the pandemic I would not be able to say that I am as blessed as I am now to have four adopted animals that I get to call my world.

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This item was submitted on December 7, 2020 by Joshua Caron using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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