
How covid affected my life

Title (Dublin Core)

How covid affected my life

Description (Dublin Core)

At the beginning of quarantine I didn't really take the virus serious.I thought school was only going to close for 2 weeks but its about to be a year since i been to school. Theres really nothing to do out and most places are closed.Theres also not alot of places we can travel to so life has been boring.Most malls are closed so shopping has been hard.Wearing masks all day makes me feel dizzy and makes it hard to breathe.It seems like like any common cold you get is covid.Its hard to do anything without thinking about contracting covid.I also feel like the gorverment is not really telling us the truth which is causing more anxiety and stress on some people.
This story is mostly about the pandemic

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This item was submitted on December 9, 2020 by Gilberto Contreras using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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