
The Beginning

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The Beginning

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In late February headlines broke out of a virus in China that was killing masses of people, I think most people in the U.S. thought that we were safe at first because there was a whole ocean in between them and us. Then, word spread that hoards of people were getting the virus in Europe. Then I think that a lot of us were starting to get worried. Eventually, in mid-March, we started having cases in California and we had to go to school online. This was unfortunate because it was right as the Spring sports season was beginning, it was fine though, because everybody thought that we would be back in school by mid-April. And here we are in mid-December, still not back in school.

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This item was submitted on December 11, 2020 by Bryson Fienup using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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