
COVID-19: Origins

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COVID-19: Origins

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Perhaps the first thing about COVID was that it was from China. They said people contracted the virus by eating bat guano. It was on almost every news network, and everyone was talking about it. I certainly believed it. Why shouldn't I? And I kept on believing it until a certain point. One day while I was watching Fox News (before they were taken over by liberals), a Chinese woman came on talking about the virus' origins. She claimed that the virus was created by the Chinese communists. Now this was very interesting. It was certainly something they were capable of. The woman said that she fled China after her mother was imprisoned by the government because she was calling out their lies. It seems that China punishes those who expose them, so maybe the woman was telling the truth. I don't know if we'll ever be 100% certain of what caused the virus, but I guess we all have our own theories.

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This item was submitted on January 11, 2021 by Will Simic using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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