
CoviD symptoms

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CoviD symptoms

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It was a couple weeks after the New Year. My coach had a fever and felt achey. He said maybe it was the flu, but he got tested for COVID. He realized that he tested positive. He had a mild cough, but couldn't sleep at night. Also, he had to quarantine for 2 weeks so I couldn't train or play basketball with him. My uncle also got COVID but his case was worse. He couldn't breathe at all and had to go to the hospital. He was there for around 5 days, and actually caught pneumonia from it. Eventually he recovered, but it was a crazy week. All in all, these are some of the symptoms that I have noticed in people.

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This item was submitted on January 21, 2021 by Faith O'Daniel using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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