
Sophia's Pandemic Journey

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Sophia's Pandemic Journey

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I was at School and people were taking about the how the school was going to close and we are going to be able to stay home for two weeks longer after ski week. I went home and we saw on the news that there was a virus spreading all around the world and the first thing we did was go to the grocery store now so that we wouldn't have to go later if things get worse. We stayed home for awhile and my family is high risk so we were very careful and wore our masks everywhere and couldn't see our friends. But I didn't have that bad of a time during the pandemic because I felt lonely sometimes but I trusted in God in everything I did and do. And is since I trusted God me and my family got through the pandemic safely.

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It is about how I got Through the pandemic

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This item was submitted on January 24, 2021 by Sophia Sorensen using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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