
Covid Affects

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Covid Affects

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At the start of Covid, I wasn't worried about the numbers. But after a few weeks, I saw the death toll and how this will result in a lockdown. My area which is in Ventura County didn't mind this virus and we all just carried on. But a huge outbreak started. We were not allowed to go to the beach and other places. This affected me a lot because I was already staying home for school, but when I wasn't allowed to go anywhere else, it really hit me hard. The outbreak died down but it was still pretty bad. I was worried about my grandparents. To me, Covid was a key that is locking me into a room that I can't leave. Living through this pandemic made me think about all the things I took for granted.

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This item was submitted on January 26, 2021 by Shane Hughes using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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