
GoToトラベルと感染拡大の関係 詳しく分析すると・・・(2021年1月25日) - A detailed analysis of the relationship between GoTo Travel and the spread of infection ... (January 25, 2021)

Title (Dublin Core)

GoToトラベルと感染拡大の関係 詳しく分析すると・・・(2021年1月25日) - A detailed analysis of the relationship between GoTo Travel and the spread of infection ... (January 25, 2021)

Description (Dublin Core)

This is a news that talks about the Go To Travel. Go To Travel in simple is a plan that the government set up in order for local areas to gain back the economy by supporting up to half the amount of travel fees. Using this A LOT of people traveled around Japan despite being in a pandemic. I always have thought that this traveling plan will cause more trouble, which it did.

I translated the video.

A group at Kyoto University has published a research paper stating that GoTo Travel "may have affected" the spread of the new coronavirus.

The survey was conducted by a group of Professor Hiroshi Nishiura of Kyoto University and was published in the international medical journal "Journal of Clinical Medicine" on the 21st.

The group survey analyzed about 4000 people infected with the new coronavirus in 24 prefectures from May to August last year. As a result, it was found that about 20% traveled across prefectures or were in contact with travelers.

What is interesting is the comparison of the "incidence rate" of infected people around July 22, last year when Go To Travel started.

According to the initial 5 days survey when Go To Travel started, the incidence of travel-related infected people has increased 1.44 times compared to the 5 days of the previous week. Furthermore, if the purpose of travel is limited to "sightseeing," the incidence rate jumps up to 2.62 times.

Late July last year is the time of the "second wave" in Japan.

However, the compared 5 days were also days with special conditions. That is, 4 out of 5 days from the start of GoTo were holidays and other holidays. And at this time, it was still before Go To was implemented in Tokyo.

Professor Nishiura et al. paper did not conclude that GoTo Travel was the cause of the spread of the infection, but pointed out that it may have affected it, at least in the early stages.









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This item was submitted on February 4, 2021 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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