
Shot One - Community Vaccination Clinic

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Shot One - Community Vaccination Clinic

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I got my Moderna vaccine at the Branch- Hillsdale - St. Joseph Community Health Agency Vaccination Clinic held in Hillsdale Public High School. My first Moderna shot was on Wednesday, March 31, 2021. It was well run - I hardly had time to sit down. There was no waiting. It was held in a large gymnasium. Everyone was wearing masks, which is rare in this part of Michigan.

I was relieved & quiet while I got my shot, just taking it in. Later that night my arm was sore at the injection site. I was also exhausted that evening, but I think the exhaustion was more of a psychological response to finally starting my vaccination journey, & not a side effect of the vaccine.

My husband got his two weeks previously at a Rite Aid in Coldwater, Michigan. He also got a Moderna shot.

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