
When will this dream come true?

Title (Dublin Core)

When will this dream come true?

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DISCLAIMER: This item may have been submitted in response to a school assignment prompt. See Linked Data.

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This was an assignment in Paula Flynn's 5th grade class at Franklin Elementary School in Santa Monica, CA.

People hugging having a good time
without a care in the world.No masks
close together. Like before.
A beautiful ray of sun beating down on
there faces. Sharing it’s warmth with
them.Casting shadows of them. The
shadows black against the colorful
I hear laughter, joy and relief, almost
everyone is happy. Leaves are rustling in
the wind as if dancing to a beat.
Happiness, Laughter, Grateful
When will this dream come true.
When can we live like this again.
Joy Joy Joy

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This item was submitted on May 5, 2021 by Paula Goldman using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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