
Covid Vaccine for Children

Title (Dublin Core)

Covid Vaccine for Children

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I am thrilled that vaccine testing has started for the 2-11 age group. My daughter is 4 (5 next week), and I will be getting her vaccinated as soon as possible. I know a lot of parents who are on the fence or certain that they will not vaccinate their kids. I understand their fear, but the alternative is a lot scarier. Our kids lives have been entirely abnormal for over a year. This is going to have long lasting side effects on their mental health and education. We need to be able to let kids be kids as soon as possible. My daughter's first school experience is sitting at tables divided from her peers by plexi-glass and wearing a mask all day. I don't think any of us want that for our children.
When we heard on the radio that children could start getting vaccinated (12+) my daughter was very excited and wanted to go right away. I told her it was only for kids 12+ right now, and she would have to wait for the trials to be over for her age group. She literally burst into tears because she was so disappointed. I never in my life heard of child cry because they could NOT get a shot. That is how much it is affecting their lives. Yes many have adapted well, but they shouldn't have to keep adapting.
In sum, I think parents should be far more worried about the side effects of continued covid measures than about the side effects of the vaccine.

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This item was submitted on June 11, 2021 by Ashley Tibollo using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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