
Abnormal Rona Year

Title (Dublin Core)

Abnormal Rona Year

Description (Dublin Core)

In 2020, everything I had planned for school and summer came to a halt. Even though we were forced to stay home, I still went to friends houses and played community league sports. The air smelled cleaner because there were no vehicles in sight for miles. Everything you touched was soaked in disinfectant and cleaning supplies. All you could hear was just pure silence other than the animals that live out in the woods. The birds were chirping and animal density grew due to no one being active and scaring them away. I would tend to head to my friends' house quite often. Me and him would help his father fix up a house then head to my friend's house to go fishing, trail riding, and practice baseball. We even went to the store where there were only workers inside.2020 was a completely different feel to my life than my past years, but will go down in history and my best year for trying and learning new things.

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This item was submitted on August 6, 2021 by Chandler Turner using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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