
Plastic Dividers

Title (Dublin Core)

Plastic Dividers

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The plastic dividers were and are an integral part of COVID. My high school's cafeteria had them and it made it hard to hear my friends when we were conversing. Like this TikTok post I saw awhile ago, it reminded me of how it separated me from the customers at my job around a year ago. The dividers were made to keep people safer from COVID-19 even when at a close distance from each other. However, one time when I was at work, the sliding doors to the entrance were open, and it was so windy outside one day that the wind blew the plastic divider onto my back when I was turned around bagging an item for a customer. I have a personal grudge against those things now.

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This item was submitted on January 20, 2023 by Lily Crigler using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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