
Suhani Rathi and Lilly Daugherty Oral History, 2021/12/06


Title (Dublin Core)

Suhani Rathi and Lilly Daugherty Oral History, 2021/12/06

Description (Dublin Core)

Northeastern University students, Suhani Rathi and Lilly Daughterty interview each other in this school assignment. In this interview they take turns comparing the COVID 19 pandemic to past pandemics. They discuss the similarities.
After completing history of global pandemics class

Recording Date (Dublin Core)

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Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)

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Interviewer (Bibliographic Ontology)

Suhani Rathi
Lilly Daugherty

Interviewee (Bibliographic Ontology)

Suhani Rathi
Lilly Daugherty

Location (Omeka Classic)

United States of America

Language (Dublin Core)


Duration (Omeka Classic)


abstract (Bibliographic Ontology)

Northeastern University students, Suhani Rathi and Lilly Daughterty interview each other in this school assignment. In this interview they take turns comparing the COVID 19 pandemic to past pandemics. They discuss the similarities.

Transcription (Omeka Classic)

Suhani Rathi 00:01
Hi, my name is Suhani Rotti and I'm here with Lilly Daugherty to interview her for the COVID-19 archive project. It is December 6, and currently it is 3:10pm. Lily, do you give your consent to be interviewed for the COVID-19 archive project?

Lilly Daugherty 00:17
Yes, I give my consent.

Suhani Rathi 00:19
Okay, perfect. So to get started, Lilly, after learning about pandemics this entire semester, how would you say your perception has changed on them?

Lilly Daugherty 00:29
I thought it was interesting to learn about the patterns that reoccur throughout history with each pandemic. Like in the Black Plague there was this scapegoating of Jewish people. And then we see this with every other pandemic, where people are turning to blame minorities. So with the past, with COVID, there's a scapegoating of Asians and Asian Asian Americans. And also is interesting to see the different government responses and how it relates to the COVID response. So we saw the downplaying of pandemics to preserve like political power. And I also thought is interesting how we saw similarities with people's attitudes, touring towards wearing masks. And it was similar to anti mask beliefs during COVID.

Suhani Rathi 01:30
Okay, and then how would you say the pandemic has affected your college experience?

Lilly Daugherty 01:36
Well, being at Northeastern, everyone's required to be vaccinated, so it feels very safe going in class. And it's different with every every area in the country. So especially being in Boston, you have to have like, proof of vaccination, if you want to go to like a basketball game or concert. And the mask mandates are still mandatory here.

Suhani Rathi 02:05
Okay, and then lastly, how does this pandemic compared to past pandemics?

Lilly Daugherty 02:13
This pandemic is different because there's a more interconnected world, especially with the media and technology. So the spread of information is really easy. And even if it's like, wrong information, but there's definitely a more polarized world. And it was pretty prevalent because of the two sides. When looking at the COVID responses, people would just seek out information that supports their their biases, so that's pretty interesting.

Lilly Daugherty 02:51
Hi, my name is Lily Daugherty, and I'm here with Suhani Rathi. It is Monday, December 6 at 3:15pm Suhani. Do you give consent to be interviewed for the COVID-19 archive project?

Suhani Rathi 03:04
I do.

Lilly Daugherty 03:05
Okay, great. Let's get started. So how has your perspective changed after completing the history of global pandemics class?

Suhani Rathi 03:12
Um, well, first of all, it was just really insightful to learn about all the various pandemics because I'd definitely say like the Black Plague and stuff, or pandemics that have been talked about more in like previous history classes, it was interesting to go into detail about like, other pandemics like cholera, and I would definitely say like I didn't realize how variously like pandemics impacted each part of the country. So it's really interesting to look at, like, how like, colonization had an effect to like the pandemics as well. And like we learned a lot about like India and like British colonizing India and how like the pandemic was affected in that way. And also like the Black Death, I feel like I didn't realize how major of an impact and how vastly big it was until learning about it like so in detail in the class.

Lilly Daugherty 04:05
How has it been going to college during a pandemic?

Suhani Rathi 04:08
Well, Northeastern University has done a really good job with like making sure we get tested weekly, and all our students are vaccinated here along with the staff. And so it feels like a very safe environment, as you mentioned earlier, but I would very much say that, like parts of college experience are definitely definitely altered. Like for example, like, just going to parties is definitely an aspect of the college experience that's talked about but due to the pandemic, there's definitely not as much of like a social scene kind of happening just because they're making sure to like, keep safe and stuff like that. But I am very glad that going to school in Boston, like Boston has an indoor mask requirement and along with like proof of vaccinations required at like several places, just making an overall safe environment.

Lilly Daugherty 04:55
And how is this pandemic different from past pandemics?

Suhani Rathi 04:58
Um, I would definitely say there's been similarities and differences from like this pandemic to past pandemics. Like for example, like, back then, like, there was vaccine distribution wasn't like as easily done but like nowadays it's very like it's pretty like, easy to get the vaccine. But again, like getting people to get the vaccine has definitely become like a political statement nowadays. But it's interesting see how like, politically this pandemic has been like affected like a lot of stuff has been correlated to politics rather than just like the safety of people. And also like stuff like transportation, like air transport wasn't as big and past pandemics. And now it is and I would say like, that kind of transportation mode has definitely been very much affected by the pandemic. So it'll be interesting to see like what happens to like cruise ships and planes like after once the pandemic has kind of settled down even more. Great. Thank you.

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